Naviga nel sito della Scuola di Scienze Politiche "Cesare Alfieri"

Seminari a.a. 2021/2022





  • RISE Guest Seminars: Andrea Boccuni Senior Government Affairs Manager at BASF,  Lobbying in the EU 24th March 22022 - 14:30










  • RISE Guest Seminars, Krysztof Lisek (Former Member of the European Parliament), "Towards a common European army?", May 26th 2022, 14:30, Polo delle Scienze Sociali, Building D6, Room 106


  • RISE Guest Seminars “EU-Ukraine relations in light of the Russian invasion” Vadym Zheltovskyy (Lecturer at the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies of the University of Warsaw), May 19th 2022 - 14:30, Polo delle Scienze Sociali, Building D6, Room 106




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