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EU Simulation

Each year, a simulation of EU decision making enables EUPS students in the European Union Policy Studies graduate program to develop skills of policy analysis, negotiation, team-building and cross-cultural communication. The Simulation is co-sponsored by the University of Florence's (UNIFI's) Department of Social and Political Science. JMU and UNIFI students work in teams throughout the academic year as part of an academic and cultural exchange.


Galleria di immagini della simulazione 2014:

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Qui un estratto video della Simulazione.

Each year, a simulation of EU decision making enables EUPS students in the European Union Policy Studies graduate program to develop skills of policy analysis, negotiation, team-building, and cross-cultural communication. The simulation is co-sponsored by the University of Florence's (UNIFI's) Department of Social and Political Sciences. JMU and UNIFI students work in teams throughout the academic year as part of an academic and cultural exchange - See more at:
Each year, a simulation of EU decision making enables EUPS students in the European Union Policy Studies graduate program to develop skills of policy analysis, negotiation, team-building, and cross-cultural communication. The simulation is co-sponsored by the University of Florence's (UNIFI's) Department of Social and Political Sciences. JMU and UNIFI students work in teams throughout the academic year as part of an academic and cultural exchange - See more at:
Each year, a simulation of EU decision making enables EUPS students in the European Union Policy Studies graduate program to develop skills of policy analysis, negotiation, team-building, and cross-cultural communication. The simulation is co-sponsored by the University of Florence's (UNIFI's) Department of Social and Political Sciences. JMU and UNIFI students work in teams throughout the academic year as part of an academic and cultural exchange - See more at:
Each year, a simulation of EU decision making enables EUPS students in the European Union Policy Studies graduate program to develop skills of policy analysis, negotiation, team-building, and cross-cultural communication. The simulation is co-sponsored by the University of Florence's (UNIFI's) Department of Social and Political Sciences. JMU and UNIFI students work in teams throughout the academic year as part of an academic and cultural exchange - See more at:




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