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Model EU Simulation

Organized by James Madison University with the Scuola di Scienze Politiche "Cesare Alfieri"-  Extended deadline for applications until Friday 10th November.


Simulation of a decision-making process of the European Union. 

Invitation to partecipate in the MEUS 2023. 


Admission requirements:

-  Being a RISE enrolled student (LM-52 or LM-90). 
-  Good knowledge of EU institutions and decision-making procedures, shown through attendance of at least one course about the EU in undergraduate or graduate studies.
-  Good written and oral knowledge of English;
-  Punctuality, motivation, proactivity, availability to speak in public and be part of a team, working on group presentations that will be presented in class during the meetings;
-  Availability to participate in all the meetings, as listed in the MEUS PROGRAM document. 


How to participate: 

UNIFI students must complete the application form and send it to Prof. Borghetto: enrico.borghetto(AT)unifi. by 10th November 2023. 

23 Ottobre 2023 (Archiviata)


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