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International mobility and internships

Students of the Master's Degree in International Relations and European Studies (RISE) can take two great opportunities: the International mobility  project and foreign/national internships.


International mobility

Eligible students will be able to attend teaching activities and take exams, carry out internship and research activities for their thesis. University stipulates two types of agreements:

•  with European universities, as part of the Erasmus Program Programma Erasmus

•  with non-European universities, through agreements with partner universities accordi con università partner



During their course of study, students must carry out a placement or curricular internship corresponding to 6 ECTS.
This is an extremely relevant experience for the student,  and it must be fully congruent with the course of study undertaken. Students can carry out placement  abroad supported and funded by the Erasmus + traineeship program. For further information visit this page maggiori informazioni   In addition to institutions annually included in the Erasmus + traineeship call, other institutions are willing to accept students
through direct selection process and an individual letter of intent.
List of bodies/institutions Lista degli enti 







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